Thursday 17 November 2011


Pakistan has always been portrayed as a failed nation, thanks to the media. It has focused too narrowly on the negative side rather than the achievements and attractions of our country. All this has been done to blacken the reputation of our country. Pakistan offers a lot more than what is on the news. I do understand the importance of highlighting the negative side of the country in order to bring revolution. But it needs to be balanced with the positive otherwise people only associate the country with trouble. I’ll try to highlight the recent positive developments in our country. Yes, you guessed it right. I’ll talk about the changing political scenario of the country. This forum was created to help groom and enrich our perspectives through discussion. And I’ll try my best to use this platform effectively and talk about the idea of ‘revolution’ in our country.
Imran Khan predicts revolution in Pakistani politics. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) leader, implied that a national uprising like Egypt and Tunisia can also happen in Pakistan. The recent rally held in Lahore signals a political shift in Pakistan. It is quite obvious that PTI will sweep the next elections.
Ayaz Amir, a parliamentarian from rival Nawaz Sharif’s party who was present at the rally is reported to have said that, "This is the emergence of a new force. The cry for change is resonating across Pakistan. Young, old, professionals, women – I've never seen such people at a public meeting in Pakistan before."
Earlier, Imran Khan was not seriously taken as a politician. He wasn’t even considered a major threat to the existing political system. However his historic public meeting at Lahore has shaken and stunned his rivals, where he successfully managed to show the public power and support for his party. Tens of thousands of people showed up. A well charged and educated crowd was seen; especially the modern class comprising a huge number of women and students. Even American news media gave prominent coverage of the rally. The leading Pakistani pop singers, Shahzad Roy and Strings showed support. They joined PTI’s rally and sung revolutionary and patriotic songs. All this was strong enough to streamline PTI in main politics of Pakistan.
He started his speech by saying that people of Lahore are slow to wake up but when they do, they cannot be stopped. In his speech, he presented a clear-cut agenda for change. He asked the rulers to declare their assets (which was necessary for a transparent government) and threatened a civil disobedience movement if they refused to do so. In short he said that PTI would end corruption, improve tax collection, pursue an independent foreign policy, bring Baluchistan into the mainstream national politics, end the war on terror and protect rights of minorities and women. Some shocking facts were presented in his speech. He informed the massive crowd that Pakistan lost  Rs.3, 000 billion each year in tax corruption. And if it could be tapped, we wouldn’t have to rely on foreign aid anymore. He further added that the country was rich in resources; it had over 180 billion tons of coal reserves. In foreign politics Imran Khan asked India to withdraw forces from Kashmir, and the American to stop drone attacks on Pakistan. He concluded his speech by warning the corrupt ruling elite by saying that “change is not only imminent but already under way and the corrupt will not find a place now to hide”.
Currently, Tehreek-e-Insaf, has no seats in the Parliament. But Imran Khan’s popularity has increased recently as the public has grown disillusioned with other parties. The growing support and turnout has stunned many Pakistani analysts who believe that his struggle will prove successful. Imran Khan is the only political hope in the counrty. But there are some political intellects and experts who consider it as an illusion and think of PTI as a weak political party which cannot have an impact on electoral results. They say that drawing a big crowd in Lahore would not necessarily translate into electoral success. Only time will tell who’s right and who’s wrong. The public has shown their desire for change and this will be reflected in the results of the upcoming elections.


1 comment:

  1. A well written article that gives us an insight on the current situation of the political system and a possible solution to it !
